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6 posts tagged with "management"

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How To Spot Performance Issues in Agile Teams

· One min read
Roy Russo
Imperator Caesar


We've recently started adding new features to NitroIQ that help you identify performance issues in JIRA, and provide you with actionable insights to help you resolve them.

To that end, we are adding an entirely new section of best-practices and help to the NitroIQ online documentation. The aim is to help team leaders identify performance issues in their teams and processes and provide them with prescriptive guidance, using their own data, on how to resolve them.

Agile Churn

· 2 min read
Roy Russo
Imperator Caesar

Agile Churn: When changes in the list of tasks or scope occur during a Sprint (or iteration).

Churn in sprints is inevitable, but should not be a consistenly occuring event. Stories being added, removed, or story points being adjusted mid-sprint are a fact of life in a dynamic Agile environment, but minimizing disruptions to the team and deliverables should be the goal of every Agile lead.

Calculating Innovation Rate KPIs

· 3 min read
Roy Russo
Imperator Caesar

I've long run my teams using metrics calculated mostly using JIRA JQL and spreadsheet gymnastics. One of the most practical measurements of forward progress I've come to rely on is what we call "Innovation Rate", which is seeking to describe how much time is my product/engineering team spending on New Features compared to maintenance tasks or bugs.

Hiring Software Developers... You're Doing It All Wrong

· 4 min read
Roy Russo
Imperator Caesar

Short blog post on some of the most common mistakes I’ve experienced with the recruiting and hiring of top talent engineers. Although there are many articles written on how to attract and hire great talent, seldom is there word shared over the silly things companies do to shoot themselves in the foot during the hiring process.

“If you think it’s expensive hiring great engineers to build your software, wait and see how expensive it gets with bad engineers.”

ElasticHQ - ElasticSearch Monitoring & Management

· One min read
Roy Russo
Imperator Caesar

As a long-time user of ElasticSearch, I’m proud to announce a new project I’ve undertaken, ElasticHQ – an ElasticSearch Management and Monitoring solution that is 100% browser-based, ie. No software to install.

Those who know me, would note that this is a departure from my usual style of coding and architecture, but after studying the ElasticSearch Java API (mainly TransportClient), I decided it would spur mass adoption if the application was run on the client (browser). So using Backbone.js, Underscore.js, Twitter Bootstrap, and Flot charts, I managed to carve out a solid nucleus I can build upon.

Feel free to check it out here:

For those that want to look at the code, you can find it on Github, under ElasticSearch-HQ. There is also a Google Group, although not advertised yet.